Treatable Indications
Skin Rejuvenation
Skin Resurfacing
Stretch Marks/ Striae
Body & Face Contouring and Tightening
Skin Laxity
Wrinkles and Rhytids
Clinical Resources
Body Contouring Using a Combination of Pulsed Ultrasound and Unipolar Radio Frequency: A Prospective Pilot Study
Fernando Urdiales-Ga´lvez
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2022
A novel nonfocused pulsed ultrasound technology for noninvasive circumference reduction
Ines Verner
Dermatologic Therapy, 2021
Discover more about Alma PrimeX and what it could do for you
Yes, many clinics combine our technology with different options available on the market.
There are no limitations on such combinations. -
Treatments vary in terms of number of visits and combine different technologies, but they all provide remarkable results after just a few short (8-30 min.) treatments, conducted over just a few weeks!
No, treatments are completely painless. In fact, they are comfortable, and even provide you with a pleasant heating sensation. During the treatment, your practitioner will monitor your body temperature, making sure you are comfortable, while ensuring an effective treatment.
Alma PrimeX incorporates two core technologies, Ultrasound technology (US) and Radio Frequency technology (RF), used in powerful and unique combinations to offer superior results, quickly and safely.
The treatment does not require any special skills or a long training time.
The device is very intuitive to operate