Knowledge Booster
Welcome to our Knowledge Booster – Your Gateway to Expertise. Discover the latest trends, insightful blog posts, and informative webinars from our global medical aesthetic experts. Dive into a wealth of knowledge to empower your journey towards beauty and wellness excellence.
Laser treatments and chemical peels can rejuvenate the skin but require extra post-treatment care. Profhilo Hanekenium, recommended by skincare experts, helps soothe and nourish sensitive skin for optimal healing and a radiant glow.
Skin RejuvenationSkin Resurfacing -
Whether you’re dealing with a temporary tattoo you no longer want or a permanent one you’re ready to part ways with, the question arises: How to remove a tattoo? Let’s explore your options
Patients -
Unlock the power of psychology to elevate client experiences in your aesthetics clinic. From first impressions to personalized interactions
AlmaBusiness Boost -
Opus Plasma is an innovative skin resurfacing treatment that combines radiofrequency (RF) energy and fractional plasma technology to address a range of skin concerns with minimal downtime.
Skin Resurfacing -
Accent Prime is an advanced aesthetic platform that combines ultrasound and radiofrequency (RF) technologies for effective non-invasive skin tightening and body contouring.
Body Contouring and Tightening -
Laser hair removal has become an increasingly popular aesthetic treatment, offering a long-term solution to unwanted hair.
Hair Removal -
Learn how GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic aid weight loss and how Alma PrimeX addresses skin sagging and volume loss, restoring a youthful look.
Patients -
A Step-by-Step Guide for Aestheticians and Medical Professionals
Business Boost -
Join leading dermatologist Dr. Mukta Sachdev as she unveils innovative techniques and benefits of this cutting-edge platform.
Hair RemovalWebinars